Travelling Whales and Dolphins

The ocean conditions on Monday were great for watching whales, and guests aboard all three cruises had lots to report. Our 8:00 Breakfast with the Whales cruise aboard Seasmoke reports seeing 12 different whales, 4 breaches and 3 head lunges. Captain Nick, our naturalist aboard that trip noticed that all the whales they saw appeared to be going somewhere, travelling down the coast (But where would they be going? Hawaii is their winter destination after all!!). At 10:00, on Alala departing from Kawaihae, our whale watchers report seeing 3 Humpbacks and a pod of over 200 Nai’a (Spinner Dolphins). But the 3:00 Whales & Cocktails Trip aboard Seasmoke reports seeing the greatest number of whales….13! 6 of those whales were in swimming in a pod, apparently excited (or irritated) about something, because between those 6 whales, they performed 2 breaches, 3 peduncle throws, 2 pectoral slaps and 2 tail lobs!
Join Ocean Sports for a Whale Watch and see the action for yourself! We offer 3 trips daily just to see the whales! Call 886-6666 ext. 103 or visit to reserve your adventure today.
Humpback Whale Fact of the Day: We used to think that the whales that arrived on the coast of the Big Island spent their Hawaii-time here with us. Research and close observation of individuals has proved us wrong. While the Humpbacks seem to prefer to spend most of their time on the lee sides of islands and in water less than 600 feet deep, they will travel between the islands (not in any particular direction that we’re aware of)….females who have calves travel less frequently though.
Captain Claire

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